The Local Area Employment Service is a new service in partnership with the Department of Social Protection. From our community offices in Crumlin and Dublin 1, we support local job-seekers through a person-centered 52-week engagement, focussing on preparing for work and job seeking. provide guidance and supports to clients (maybe you) who are looking to enter employment.
From 1st September 2022, Dublin City Community LAES will provide assistance to individuals referred to our service by Department of Social Protection who are seeking employment. Once the Department of Social Protection has granted permission for you to register with this service you will be contacted by an LAES Employment Guidance Officer at the earliest opportunity. Services we offer, include:
- Career Guidance
- Personal Progression Plan
- Skill building Workshops
- Job Search Preparation
- Interview Skills Coaching
- In-Employment Support
Customer Charter
Our Promise to You
DCCLAES, working at community level, commits to utilising its combined resources to build sustainable employment opportunities for each person referred to our service from the Department of Social Protection (DSP). This is achieved through providing a local employment centre that is welcome, friendly, and fully accessible to you at a time that works for you and located close to where you live. You will be met in a private and secure space within 15 days of you being referred by the DSP. We will meet with you at a minimum of every 20 days and more frequently as required. A dedicated professional staff member will work with you to help you get the best possible outcome. Your Employment Guidance Officer (EGO) will:
Respect your personal circumstances and will provide a fair and equitable service to you regardless of your gender, race, cultural or ethnic background, or your family status.
Listen to you and undertake to plan with you for opportunities that are in the best interests of yourself and your family circumstances.
Assist you to establish what your skills, aptitudes and interests are and help you to plan your progression pathway based on these attributes.
Have expertise in guidance counselling, recruitment and a vast knowledge of employment opportunities and avenues to upskill and/or retrain and will make these available to you.
Work with you on an individual and group basis as required for areas like skills assessment, CV preparation, job search tools, interview skills, job applications.
Provide access for you to our online Knowledge Centre of career development resources. Access can also be provided to support programmes that will assist you as required e.g., health & wellbeing supports, education supports, family supports. Support may be provided within your local centre or by a nearby partner agency.
Support you to understand and meet your obligations to the Department of Social Protection.
Be prompt, supportive and professional in responding to any questions you have.
Encourage you to provide feedback on your engagement with the service as we are dedicated to continually improving our services for you.
If you are unhappy with our service or staff a complaints system is in place, we encourage its use to help improve our service
A minimum you will have the following when leaving the service:
- A knowledge of your strengths, skills and attributes related to employment and a plan to assist you
- Hard and digital copies of your CV
- A career progression plan with clear steps to help you achieve your goals
- Interview skills – including experience of direct employer feedback
Services To Jobseekers
- DSCP is committed to treating you /your organisation equally and that means in a considerate, courteous and respectful manner.
- DSCP will endeavour to meet your specific needs in our dealings with you, such as your need for accessibility.
- We will treat you/your organisation fairly and without any discrimination.
- In our dealings with you we will be efficient and effective.
- If you contact us or visit any of our offices we will respect your privacy and as required, deal with you in a confidential manner.
- When you call or telephone our offices, we will deal with you as quickly as possible and answer your queries in a polite and friendly manner.
Working with our SICAP and WorkAbility teams, we provide a comprehensive service that is free and available to unemployed jobseekers in the Dublin South City Partnership area.
We offer service-users the opportunity to identify suitable job vacancies or to access appropriate further training and education options.
The service is also available for:
- Dependant spouses of the unemployed
- People parenting alone
- People parenting alone
- Those seeking to return to work, experiencing discrimination or disadvantage
Services To Employers
Are you an employer looking for staff?
The Local Area Employment Services offer a free recruitment service to employers, advertising their vacancies to unemployed job-seekers in the area.
We can offer:
- a specialised understanding of the labour market to respond to your recruitment needs
- an extensive client base of jobseekers living in the local areas
- a free, professional, efficient and confidential service
- pre-employment training for potential employees to meet your requirements
- thorough pre-selection process with only suitably qualified candidates referred for job vacancies
- advice on state funded initiatives and opportunities
Click here to read our Employment Engagement Programme 2023 – Linking Businesses to Jobseekers brochure to read →
Or click here to download the Employment Engagement Programme 2023 – Linking Businesses to Jobseekers brochure
For further information please contact:
Local Area Employment Services
LAES at Dublin 12
phone us at 01 409 5082
or email us
LAES at Dublin 1
phone us at 01 473 2196
or email us at
Local Area Employment Services Team
Employment Guidance Officer