Change Clothes Crumlin


Facebook: ChangeClothesCrumlin

Instagram: ChangeClothesCrumlin

TikTok: @changeclothescrumlin 


Change Clothes Crumlin is a community based clothing reuse hub. Registered not for profit CLG.

Founded in 2022, work at community level to ensure that local clothing waste doesn’t become a global problem.


Change Clothes Crumlin

Change Clothes Crumlin is building an inclusive creative and social community of clothes swappers, borrowers, up cyclers and menders. Inspired by Mary Fleming’s vision, she worked on a feasibility study, and started small with pop-up clothes swaps.

Her goal is to create environmental, social, and economic benefits for the Crumlin area through her circular social enterprise business model. By offering reuse solutions for clothing at all stages of their lifecycle, the organisation is actively contributing to sustainable practices.

Mary Fleming is actively involved in speaking engagements at circular and sustainable events. She also benefits from a diverse voluntary Board of Directors including members of Dublin South City Partnership staff.

Nominated for ‘Best Social Enterprise’ at the LAMA All Ireland Community & Council Awards in February 2024. (see picture next column)

Change Clothes Crumlin Nomination Feb 24

News artciles about Change Clothes Crumlin (CCC):

In Crumlin, a ‘Chance to Swap Good Clothes for Better Ones
by Claudia Dalby, November 2, 2022 for the Dublin Inquirer

No date: Change Clothes Crumlin | Sustainability | | Ireland – this is Ireland

Fri Mar 03 2023: The clothes swappers combatting fashion waste, one skirt and shirt at a time – The Irish Times

Saturday, 10 Dec 2022: Clothing project urges people to swap, not shop (