Our TÚS Programme is a one year community work placement scheme for people on Jobseekers or Disability Allowance.
What is the Tús programme?
The Tús Programme is a nationwide community work placement scheme for people on Jobseekers Allowance who have been unemployed for at least a year, and for people on Disability Allowance.
Our Tús jobs are provided by local community and voluntary organisations and are located in Dublin 4, 6, 6W, 8, and 12. We work in partnership with approximately 80 local community groups and match candidates with meaningful community jobs. We work with community centres, sports clubs, youth clubs, charity shops, with any group that is not for profit. The wide range of Tús jobs available include admin, reception, marketing and social media, retail, maintenance, groundskeeping, kitchen work, childcare, elderly befriender and sports coaching. We can also create customised roles that are tailored to your specific skills and interests.
Participants work for 19.5 hours per week for 12 months with local no-profit organisations. They receive a top up on their social welfare payments and retain secondary benefits. They contribute to the community and gain useful skills and experience.
It’s really easy to apply for a Tus job: just call us on 01-4059819, email tusinfo@dscp.ie, or drop in to the Tus office at 66 St Agnes Road, Crumlin, Dublin 12 to discuss the options.